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Happy Birthday to My Best Friend, Lisa February 28, 2009

Posted by hopeauthority in Autism, special needs.
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Today I celebrate the anniversary of the birth of my very best friend. We’ve been best friends since our college days in 1980.

Lisa and I are not alike in many ways, but are alike in the most important ones. We live on opposite sides of the country, but still talk to each other all the time. Sometimes once a day. Sometimes 14 times.

I celebrate her here because I know that the women who come here are among a rare group of people who actually understand the importance of friendship. And you will celebrate her with me.

When your child is diagnosed with autism, or some other special need, many of the people you thought were friends fade away. Even family can disappoint us.  The loneliness, isolation, and hurt is often unbearable. If you are lucky, you are left with one true friend who does her best to understand your challenging life and who listens with an open heart and mind.

For me, that is Lisa. 

And to underscore what an amazing woman she is, I will add that  she has supported me while carrying her own unbearable burden. She is raising her 6 year old son alone after the sudden and tragic death of her husband 20 months ago.

It amazes me how incredibly close you can feel to someone who lives a whole country apart.

Happy Birthday, BBF. I love you.


1. rhemashope - March 1, 2009

I was touched by the way you’ve honored your friend Lisa here. I also have a best friend who cannot begin to understand everything I go through with a special needs child, but she *tries*. And she walks with me through the highs and lows. A friend like that is such a blessing! I’m sure that you are a wonderful friend to Lisa as well – especially as she grieves such a horrible loss.

2. HeatherPride - March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lisa! Everyone needs a Lisa in their life.

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